GettyImages-1410646089 5G Antennas State Of Service In Mobile, Media And Telecommunications

Discover how CSPs will deliver a richer CX, develop new B2B digital services, meet ESG goals, and gain market share while balancing projects like 5G network rollouts and asset maintenance.

  • How AI Helps Transform Your Business

    Just because you have access to artificial intelligence or automation capabilities, does not mean you are using them efficiently or effectively.

  • Securing Enterprise Data And Facilities: Start With The Basics

    Maintaining a high degree of security for field organizations is not just a nicety, it is an absolute necessity. In an era where bad actors can present themselves physically and digitally, and outcomes can be catastrophic, companies have no other choice but to pay meticulous attention to how they secure their people, property, and processes to best protect their assets.


  • Service Growth Portfolio Management

    Revenue and market growth are accelerated by a new approach to leading a service business. The Service Growth Portfolio concentrates on value and capability creation in three distinct investment areas: 1) Service Product Offering, 2) Workforce Skills and Behaviors, 3) Enabling Technology.

  • Does Technology Enable Or Delay Transformation?

    The race to implement the latest platform or build an application to manage a process within service or just move from paper to something mobile has transfixed the service world. Technology has become the primary focus of much of what we read about and captures much of our budgets as we look to transform.

  • Wearable Computers, Augmented Reality Solutions Emerging

    The use of wearable computing and AR-based field service applications is increasing, but vendor volatility is still a concern.

  • Net Promoter Score: The Sum Effect Of Customer Interactions

    Customers interact with a company across multiple touch points such as sales, customer service, and technical support. Interactions are not limited to human contact; customers interact with a company’s systems, channels, and products that mold their view as well. These experiences customers have over the myriad interactions influence their perception of an organization.

  • 5 Failures of Customer Journey Maps – And How to Avoid Them

    Your field force are the key people who interact with customers, day in and day out. One of the foundations often used to ensure that your customers have a consistent experience is to create a customer journey map. When properly trained on and executed, it will guide your team to take the right actions at the right time and to ensure they understand when and how to best engage customers around different circumstances.



  • The best way to learn how your peers are successfully leveraging M2M/IoT within their organizations is from those peers themselves. This special report features firsthand insight from companies that have been through the IoT selection and deployment process and are reaping the benefits.