Your Field Service Contractors Need These 5 Things To Succeed
If you’re struggling to give your contractors what they need for a successful field service visit, you’re not alone. According to Salesforce research, of the 33% of frontline service workforces who employ contractors, 80% of decision makers say contractor management is a challenge.
The reason? You don’t have technology that gives you visibility into their skills, experience, and availability. Finding the right platform makes it easy for your field service contractors to access the information, tools, and resources they need on the job from anywhere. Staying with outdated technology is frustrating for both of you — damaging your productivity and cost efficiency.
“Sending the wrong technicians or not providing the right ones with what they need can wreck your reputation with your customers and contractors,” said Kevin Rourke, a principal solution engineer at Salesforce. “Both have the flexibility to choose who to work with again.”
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