Article | May 17, 2023

The Impact Of Mobile Solutions On Field Service Operations

Source: Skedulo
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There’s no doubt about it: The field service industry is transforming. Rising customer expectations, labor shortages, ever-evolving technology, and increasingly complex work have changed the way field service organizations must manage their operations.

The field service market itself is expanding to include a wider array of businesses—from manufacturing, to healthcare, to education, to hospitality, and beyond—and companies that deliver their services in the field must adapt to remain competitive. Many have adopted promising technologies in an effort to keep up, but they still struggle to achieve the operational efficiency required for success. They’re hindered by issues in scheduling and dispatching, communication, routing, field data collection, and more; and they just can’t seem to optimize their processes for sustainable growth.

So how can field service organizations overcome these obstacles that threaten their ability to improve both efficiency and revenue? Modern businesses have started leveraging sophisticated, mobile-first technology solutions that boost worker productivity, eliminate operational barriers, and empower workers to consistently deliver exceptional customer experiences.

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