Magazine Article | April 21, 2016

Q&A: Why User Interface Has Become Critical To Field Mobility Success

Source: Field Technologies Magazine

By Sarah Nicastro, publisher/editor in chief, Field Technologies
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Publisher/Editor-In-Chief Sarah Nicastro talks one-on-one with Chris Lynch of Acelity about the company’s new mobile initiative.

When asking a company why it selected a particular technology solution, “ease of use” is almost always mentioned in the answer. Makes sense — who would purposely select a solution that isn’t easy to use, right? No one! That being said, what someone means when they answer that question with “ease of use” has evolved quite a bit as field mobility solutions have become widely adopted. A few years ago, the response “ease of use” could have loosely been defined as not entirely confusing or too cumbersome. Today, with field mobility solutions being rolled out to tech-savvy (or at least tech-literate) users, the definition of “ease of use” is far more advanced.

Here we talk with Chris Lynch, VP of global service and logistics at Acelity, about how crucial ease of use and user interface have become to the success of field mobility initiatives. Acelity and its subsidiaries are a global wound care and regenerative medicine company created by uniting the strengths of three companies: Kinetic Concepts, Inc.; LifeCell Corporation; and Systagenix Wound Management, Limited. Headquartered in San Antonio, TX, Acelity employs more than 5,800 people around the world. Chris and I recently connected to discuss a field mobility initiative he’s heading up at Acelity, and during our conversation the topic of user interface came up quite a bit, so I asked Chris to share his insights on what it really means and the growing importance it has.

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