We're Making An Exciting Change In 2011
By Sarah Howland, Editor In Chief, Integrated Solutions magazine
As you might have noticed, this is the last issue of Integrated Solutions you’ll receive. Next month, the name of the magazine will become Field Technologies. Why the change? For the past year, Integrated Solutions has partnered with Field Technologies Online — an online community providing the latest industry news, case studies, and whitepapers on the various technologies available to help you manage your mobile workers, service, and assets — including mobile computing, automation software solutions, asset tracking, fleet management, and M2M (machine-to-machine) technology. Similarly, over the past year, the editorial in the magazine has been entirely focused on these outside- the-four-walls technologies and applications. We believe that changing the name of the magazine to Field Technologies will more accurately reflect the magazine’s editorial focus and will create a more intuitive user experience between the magazine, website, and e-newsletter.
What won’t change? You can expect to see the same original editorial you’re accustomed to — including monthly opinion columns, benefits-oriented feature articles and case studies highlighting real-world success stories, technology resource articles aggregating expert opinions to provide you with the latest trends and advice for implementation, and thought leadership from industryleading vendors and analyst groups. We’ll continue to produce annual supplements that provide focused, educational information on a specific topic (speaking of which, be sure to check out the Field Mobility 2011 supplement included in this issue).
Field Technologies — One Brand, Multiple Resources
With Field Technologies, you have the flexibility to access the latest information and resources on outside-the-four-walls technologies in the way you prefer — within one consistent brand. Field Technologies magazine will take the place of Integrated Solutions as your resource for original editorial providing thought leadership and real-life examples of how your peers are improving their businesses with mobile technologies. Field Technologies Online provides up-to-theminute industry news and gives you access to a vast network of targeted educational information including case studies, white papers, product data sheets, videos, podcasts, and webinars. Finally, the Field Technologies weekly enewsletter aggregates the latest from Field Technologies and Field Technologies Online and delivers it directly to your inbox. If you haven’t already, I welcome you to familiarize yourself with our online community and sign up for our weekly e-newsletter at FieldTechnologiesOnline.com. If you have questions about Field Technologies or feedback on the topics and type of coverage you’d like to see, please contact me.