Guest Column | February 9, 2017

Virtual And Augmented Reality 'Check' - The Intersection Of Field Service And Innovation

By Alec Berry, Vice President of Consulting and Technical Services EMEA, ClickSoftware

Every company knows that experimenting with new technology is critical to keep pace with today’s competitive market. But with $1.7 billion of investments pouring in across both virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) over the last year, and technology giants unable to agree on which technology will be the “next big thing,” how are companies to decide which technology will best meet their needs? First, it’s important to consider how each technology would impact your bottom line — whether through time-savings or improved customer experience; after all, new technology should enhance the tools already on hand. Below are some ways VR and AR technology can improve standard operating procedures at forward-thinking organizations.

Virtual Reality for Training

Virtual reality is a fully immersive experience, transporting users to an interactive, computer-generated world which has been widely adopted by gamers. But VR has capabilities far beyond the gaming industry, proving real value as a marketing and training tool as it bridges the gap between theoretical and practical learning. By implementing VR into training programs, field service organizations can offer simulated situations that mimic real-life scenarios, arming technicians with a level of training that far exceeds traditional methods. Using VR for technician training also means organizations can allocate fewer dollars for practice materials (as they can be made available virtually), while benefitting from trainees’ ability to repeat tasks as many times as needed without depleting resources.

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