Case Study

Utility – Real-Time Situational Data For First Responders

Source: weBoost (formerly Wilson Electronics)

Utility is a hardware and software communications provider. The company manufactures the Rocket line of mobile communications appliances that are installed in first responder vehicles - police cars, ambulances, fire trucks – and public utility service vehicles. The devices provide real-time broadband communications in the field where mission critical operations are happening.

“Time is critical to first responders,” said Utility chairman Bob McKeeman. “Our customer Ft. Myers (Florida) Fire Department found after they implemented our technology that their average response time dropped by about 60 seconds. And while that may not seem like a lot of time saved, for a fire department 60 seconds could be the difference between life and death for a citizen in an emergency. So it absolutely makes a mission critical difference for our customers and for the citizens they serve.”

In combination with Utility’s hosted software, the devices provide a map-based, real time view of what’s actually happening in the field during an emergency. McKeeman explains that the company’s solution grew out of an experience of Allegheny Power, a multi-state electric power provider.

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