News | February 13, 2018

Tango Networks Launches Industry's First Cloud-Enabled Mobile Convergence Service For Enterprises

Kinetic Cloud embeds rich new enterprise mobility solutions into high-value business services from leading mobile operators and partners

Tango Networks recently unveiled Kinetic Cloud, the industry's first cloud-powered enterprise mobility enablement solution delivering communications control, compliance and productivity to the workforce natively on any mobile phone.

The new service offered by Tango Networks – in conjunction with leading mobile operators and partners – will be launched at Mobile World Congress 2018 in Barcelona starting February 26 (Visit Tango at Stand 6I28.) The service is available now across Europe and will launch in North America later this year.

Kinetic Cloud is a communications control service based in the cloud, offering enterprises, including multi-nationals, a single point of management that integrates their users' mobile communications with their office Unified Communications (UC) systems, fixed telephony, call recording systems, and business applications.

Kinetic Cloud offers enterprises improved control and powerful new convergence capabilities:

  • Rich UC on any employee’s mobile phone - simple for users to adopt and easy to deploy across the whole organisation.
  • Automatic recording of mobile voice and text messaging on an enterprise’s existing compliance systems, minimising the cost and complexity of complying with regulations such as MiFID II and FINRA.
  • Automatic logging of mobile calls and texts in customer relationship management, workforce optimization, and other business applications.
  • Separation of work and personal communications and identities, ensuring personal calls remain private for compliance with GDPR and other privacy regulations.
  • Centrally enforced safety policies such as blocking mobile usage by company-employed vehicle drivers, to cut distracted driving risk. Tango Networks recently have launched aResponsible Driver System in the USA.

Kinetic Cloud is seamlessly embedded in mobile communications services from leading operators and hosted telecoms providers. By integrating Kinetic Cloud into their business services, providers can create unique, sticky enterprise services that leverage the mobile network to deliver better call quality and user experience than typically experienced with over-the-top applications.

“Kinetic Cloud is a multi-service ‘glue’ that understands and controls many separate communications domains and combines them into a single workflow-enabled service,” said Andrew Bale, General Manager of Cloud Services for Tango Networks. “This means the enterprise can monitor and manage business communications, business applications, user identity, and compliance enforcement across all mobile users, including those on personal devices in a BYOD program.”

Kinetic Cloud solutions operate at network level using the phone’s native interface and so are transparent to the user. User adoption is fast and easy, with no learning curve or extensive training, and policy compliance is unobtrusive and automatic.

“It is important to enterprises that their control over mobile users, communications, and business applications aren’t fragmented and siloed,” observed Diane Myers, Senior Research Director for IHS Markit. “A solution that can link platforms and systems into a unified whole to eliminate fragmentation and ensure compliance should aid enterprises in managing mobile communications in the same way that they control fixed devices and services.”

About Tango Networks
Tango Networks delivers market-leading enterprise mobile convergence solutions bringing enterprises and mobile operators together. The world’s Tier 1 operators and global enterprises rely on Tango Networks’ superior workforce mobility solutions, built over a decade of successful innovation. Tango Mobility Solutions include rich Unified Communications on any mobile phone; mobile voice and text recording for compliance; mobile usage control preventing distracted driving; and automatic business application integration. Tango Networks’ unique Kinetic Cloud offers the industry’s only app-less solution for full-featured business communications using native mobile-phone interfaces. Kinetic Cloud creates a powerful channel to enterprise markets for mobile operators. For more information, visit

Source: Tango Networks