Article | September 2, 2020

How You Can Succeed In The Touchless, First Time Fix World As A Field Services Leader

Source: Dusk Mobile

By Dusk Mobile


COVID-19 has driven a change in how field service organisations or those functions operate. From customer site visits to assets, the impact is visible and the requirement has had to be addressed. Safety, industry requirements, Government legislation all play a part on top of the pre-existing environment of optimised resources, equipment, and controlled costs.

Social distancing is the new term, taking over from more than a decade of our lives being about social networking. We’re now in the new normal and supporting our field resources to work with this, is front of mind for leaders and business owners.

This introduces the areas of touchless service or zero touch service as it also called.

Many of us with computer based roles now have the ability to work anywhere, demonstrated by the world’s largest remote working exercise back in March 2020, enabled by cloud infrastructure and software. For those with field services functions, this has generally worked well as planners, schedulers and dispatchers along with other office roles in the pandemic, have been able to transition to remote working. Field resources are remote by nature but the pressure is now on for these men and women to be part of the socially distant remote workforce, driven by safety and requirements in the current pandemic.

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