Magazine Article | December 1, 2009

Master Field Inventory Management

Source: Field Technologies Magazine

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Resource Article: Master Field Inventory Management

By Sarah Howland, Integrated Solutions magazine

Inventory management is a process that has been honed by many in the warehouse environment, but mastering the management of inventory outside the four walls is a completely different story. According to a recent report by Aberdeen Group, 58% of best-in-class organizations (companies performing in the top 20% of survey respondents) provide mobile workers with field-based access and visibility into parts inventories. Arming your technicians with the necessary tools to get their jobs done is essential — not doing so results in poor customer service and increased expenses by wasted productivity and return trips. The question remains, though, how do you overcome the unique challenges that field inventory management presents? I recently spoke with some experts in this area about these challenges, how mobile technology can help you overcome them, and what features you should look for in a field inventory management solution.

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Resource Article: Master Field Inventory Management

Used with permission from Integrated Solutions magazine.