Guest Column | April 3, 2023

Choosing Between Purpose-Built Field Inspection System And Generic Project Management Software

By Boris Glushkov, Canalix


Regulators in Europe are increasingly adopting field inspection management systems to help automate and streamline their inspection processes. Such systems have become more widespread in recent years, driven by a range of factors, including increasing regulatory complexity, rising public expectations, and technological advances.

The adoption of inspection management systems varies across Europe, with some countries and regions being more advanced in using such systems for field inspections than others. For example, countries like the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands have been early adopters of inspection management systems and have used such field inspection solutions for many years.

However, some regulators in Europe still rely on traditional tools and processes, such as paper-based records, spreadsheets, and email. The limitations of traditional case management and inspection management tools are very sensible regarding field inspection because modern technologies like route optimization are almost impossible to apply within paper-based systems. This may be due to factors such as a need for more resources, budget constraints, or resistance to change.

Overall, the trend in Europe is toward adopting purpose-built inspection management systems, as regulators recognize the benefits of these systems in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and consistency. As technology advances and becomes more affordable, regulators will likely transition to these systems for field inspections.

Generic Vs Purpose-Built Software: Which One To Choose For Field Inspections?

While generic project management software can be useful for managing tasks, it may not have the specific features and capabilities needed for inspections, such as capturing and analyzing inspection data, making optimal routes for field inspectors, managing compliance tracking, or creating and storing customized inspection forms and checklists.

In contrast, purpose-built field inspection systems are designed to meet the specific needs of field inspectors and often include features such as route optimization, regulatory compliance tracking, customized forms and checklists, data analysis and visualization, and collaboration tools. They are tailored for field inspections and can help regulators automate their workflows more efficiently and effectively.

In addition, a purpose-built field inspection system can help ensure that regulators follow established regulatory standards and procedures and provide greater transparency and consistency in the inspection process. Overall, using a specialized field inspection tool will likely result in more accurate, reliable, and consistent inspections, which can protect public safety and ensure compliance with regulations.

What About Customisable Project Management Systems?

The choice between customizable project management software for inspections and inspection management software depends on the specific needs of the regulator, as well as the available resources and budget.

Customizable project management software for inspections can be more affordable for regulators in the short term, as it may be less expensive than specialized inspection management software. Additionally, it can be customized to meet the specific needs of the regulator, allowing them to tailor the software to their inspection workflows.

However, using customizable project management software may not be as effective as using specialized inspection management software in the long term, as it may not have all the features needed for inspections, such as the ability to capture and analyze inspection data, manage compliance tracking, or create and store customized inspection forms and checklists.

On the other hand, inspection management software is purpose-built for inspections and can offer a comprehensive suite of features to meet the specific needs of regulators. While it may be more expensive initially, it can save time and money in the long term by streamlining inspection workflows and providing greater transparency and consistency in the inspection process.

Ultimately, regulators should evaluate their organization’s specific needs and consider factors such as budget, available resources, and required features when deciding between customizable project management software and inspection management software.

Avoiding Common Mistakes When Choosing Inspection Management Software

Regulators may make several mistakes when choosing between customizable project management software for inspections and inspection management software, including:

  1. Focusing too much on short-term costs: While customizable project management software may be less expensive in the short term, it may provide only some of the features and capabilities needed for inspections, leading to additional costs and inefficiencies in the long term.
  2. Overlooking the importance of customization: While inspection management software is purpose-built for inspections, it may only sometimes offer the degree of customization needed to meet the specific needs of the regulator. Regulators should carefully evaluate the customization options available in both types of software before deciding.
  3. Failing to consider integration with existing systems: Regulators may have existing systems and processes that must be integrated with the new software. It is important to consider how the new software will integrate with existing systems, such as data management and reporting systems.
  4. Ignoring user experience and usability: The success of any software system depends on how easily and effectively users can work with it. Regulators should consider the user experience and usability of the software, including features such as user interfaces, training and support, and accessibility.
  5. Underestimating the importance of data security and privacy: Regulators deal with sensitive information. Ensuring that any software system chosen has adequate security and privacy measures to protect this information is important.

Overall, regulators should carefully evaluate their needs and requirements, as well as the features and capabilities of customizable project management software and field inspection solutions, before deciding. By avoiding these mistakes, they can select the system that best meets their needs and provides the greatest value in the long term.